No, it didn't include any vimpires, but it did include a bottle of marine wax, a 22' Boat, a rag, and Me. Yep no power tools, nothing to plug in, just me and my hands(it's amazing what you can do with them). I did however have a very helpful 10 year old that gave up going to play tennis. Very much appreciated!
Also, you must know that I take my "fans" very seriously. I consistently monitor their comments on my extensive blog and in response to one eager fans request for more pictures of Andrew, here you go:
I think it's Ice Cream.......Really!
I can't believe you are rigging your own poll. There were 4 votes for Edward earlier. Are you voting for yourself?
p.s. Looks like Andrew really likes ice cream.
Go Edward!!!! Sorry, Mike there is just something about Edward!
Thanks for the quick response to the comments. as for the votes for Edward I had to change that because the vote came from my computer and was not placed by me, then it wouldn't let me vote unless I changed the current vote that is why Edward lost a vote, it happens ask George W
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