So I thought I would share my lunch with you. Can you guess where I am? The amazing part is that I have low cholesterol..... but, as you know, I am not low on FAT!!!
I am gonna have to go run like 50 miles to work this off. Oh, did I mention that this was my second In-N-Out in two days.... this is one of the few benefits of traveling so much, Yes I said FEW!For those of you that are not "up to speed" on In-N-Out and you are wondering what the ? is that next to my burger. That is an order of fries animal style. Yes, they are fat free! kinda like me. I would like to see Chadders do that!!
You are SO lucky!!!! I want an IN-N-OUT!!! I am totally jealous!!!
That is soooooo mean! But looks sooooo good!
Those fries look a bit on the nasty side... no offense. But I am annoyed that you're at In-N-Out and I'm not. Jerk.
P.S. Thanks for the link add to your page, but why Dee Bra? That was sooooo 10 years ago!
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